Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Holy Land

On our honeymoon, Brian and I made a bucket list of goals/dreams for our marriage. Among them were try a new recipe each week (haha, we've maybe tried a new one per year ;), pray the Rosary each day  (some months we have succeeded), and visit the Holy Land. I thought the last one was a huge long shot that maybe we'd do in our older age after our children were grown. But God had plans for us far grander than I could ever have imagined. So here we've found ourselves - living in Austria, taking a three hour direct flight to Tel Aviv and traveling around the Holy Land with our two precious children less than four years from when we dreamt up our list. God is good.

And that good God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, was born, lived, died, rose, and ascended into Heaven from these very places we just visited. It's mind blowing. And humbling. And hard to capture in a blog post - but I'll try. 


Nazareth is the site of Mary's home and the town where Jesus lived as a child (Mt 2:23).  We visited:

The Church of the Annunciation to Mary (Lk 1:26-35).

Church of St. Joseph - where Joseph's workshop may have been. 

And the Orthodox Church built over Mary's Well.

It was also in Nazareth that Brian Francis realized he could stand up in a crib (at bedtime, of course, when we're all trying to go to sleep in one room)!


We visited Capernaum, on the Sea of Galilee, from where Jesus launched His Ministry (Mt 4). 

The synagogue where Jesus taught (Mk 1:21-29) (what has been built over it).  

And the church built over the site of Peter's home. 

After visiting Capernaum we drove a short distance to Tabgha, to a site known as "Peter's Primacy." Here, after His Resurrection, Jesus met with His disciples (Jn 21).  The disciples were out fishing when they saw Jesus standing on the shore. Peter jumped out of the boat and swam to our Lord as the other disciples came to shore by boat. This was Peter's "awkward" or maybe over eager moment as described by Fr. Matt during our wedding homily - when he instructed us (or at least Brian) to stay awkward during our marriage.  So here we are... It was at this location that Jesus told Peter "to feed my lamb; feed my sheep." (Jn 21:9). 


We stopped in Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at the request of His mother, changing water into wine (Jn 2:1-11).


To get to our next stops we rode with a Palestinian taxi driver because cars from Israel (including our rental car) cannot enter Palestine. Our driver and everyone we met in all parts of the Holy Land were extremely kind and helpful - several told us they don't care what religion someone practices, they just want peace in their land and everyone's heart. 

In Bethlehem, we went to the Church of the Nativity, one of the oldest Christian churches. We went down to the Grotto of the Nativity, which marks the spot of Jesus' birth (Mt 2:1-18). Beneath the Altar there is a silver star with the Latin inscription: HIC DE VIRGINE MARIA JESUS CHRISTUS NATUS (Here Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary).

We then walked up to the Milk Grotto, a cave where Mary likely nursed Baby Jesus. I prayed for all my friends/relatives with infants, those who have lost children, and those wishing to have a baby. 

Our taxi driver drove us a short distance to see the cave at Shepherds' Field (Lk 2:8).  The caves have soot marks of the fires that shepherds lit to keep warm while watching over their flocks. (Ellie loved holding up her "Star of Bethlehem" that one of the shop owners gave her and insisting I take her picture).

Judean Wilderness

He then drove us through the Judean Wilderness where Jesus spent 40 days fasting, and it is in this area that John the Baptist lived (Mt 1) and baptized Christ. We renewed our Baptismal vows at the Baptismal site on the River Jordan (Mt 3:13-17).


From there he drove us to Jericho, the world's oldest continuously inhabited city.  

We saw the huge sycamore tree, similar to the one that Jesus spotted Zacchaeus in before he spent time with Our Lord and was converted (Lk 19:1-10).  

From Jericho we had a view of the Mount of Temptation, where Jesus was tempted by Satan in the Judean Wilderness (Mt 4:1-11).

Ein Karem

One of our mornings in the Holy Land we drove to Ein Karem, the hill country right outside Jerusalem. Here we walked to the Church of the Visitation, marking the spot where Mary visited Elizabeth and proclaimed the Magnificat (Lk 1).

We walked across the valley to the Church of St. John the Baptist stopping at Mary's Spring - the cave where John may have been hidden as a baby during the massacre of the Holy Innocents. 

At the Church of St. John the Baptist we saw his birthplace.

 We spent the longest amount of time in Jerusalem - so I will share more about that part of our trip in a subsequent post. We met up with my parents there, as they were on the Dr. Scott Hahn tour. They are now back in Austria with us (pictured here in front of St. Stephen's in Vienna) for a little visit!


  1. So glad your parents are there visiting. I am sure y'all miss them. Thanks for caking is along for the ride. Hugs friend ❤️

  2. Loved this post! So glad you could go there! What an incredible experience!
