Sunday, July 21, 2019

Trusting & Hoping in the Lord: 39 Week Maternity Pictures

This pregnancy has been one filled with trust and hope in the Lord!

A few weeks after losing our child (Mary Pio) in miscarriage last fall, we were blessed to find out I was pregnant again.  I was starting to feel a lot of anxiety at the idea of going to the doctor's office where last time the news had not been good, so I asked the TOR Sisters to pray over me after Mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 2018. 

One of the Sisters (Sr. Mary Gemma) had a vision of me in a field of white flowers with Ellie, Francis, and Isaac all holding white flowers waiting to give them to this baby.  She then felt the Lord asking her to share the words from Isaiah 40: 1-2 with me, which begin:

Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.  Speak tenderly to [Courtney] and cry to her that her warfare is ended... 

I felt the Lord saying this baby would be alive. And at that first ultrasound and all the ones following (including during times when I was bleeding and thought another miscarriage seemed imminent) the baby has continued to grow and live!  

Although I have still battled anxiety over the possibility of losing this baby, I have experienced so much peace directly from the Lord.  For example, on the day of my first ultrasound the First Reading for Mass that day was Isaiah 40 starting at verse 1!  I had so much peace going into the appointment.  And before the 12 week ultrasound (which was the one where we learned we had lost Mary Pio) I woke up with such peace the Sunday before the appointment with the thought, surely from God, that I should not worry - rather I should assume the best and not fear.  And with that thought, that I knew was not from myself, I went into the appointment full of trust and hope! 

Two Psalms also really stood out me during this pregnancy: Psalm 23 and Psalm 91.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou are with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." ~Psalm 23: 4

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, 'My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.'" ~Psalm 91: 1-2

I read Psalm 23 first and felt like God was giving me permission to be anxious, scared, and worried in this pregnancy because I am still walking in the shadow of Mary Pio's death.  A few days later I read Psalm 91 and the word "shadow" really stuck out to me as I remembered reading that same word in Psalm 23.  As I looked at the two Psalms - the verbs used with "shadow" caught my attention.  In the Psalm 23 I felt God saying He wanted me to "walk through" the shadow with Him.  But in Psalm 91 I felt God saying He wanted me to "abide in" His shadow - which is peace, love, eternal life - a very good place to be!

Then, last week I saw this field of white flowers growing not far from our home and Church (you can see them across the field) and was again reminded of God’s Words to me throughout this pregnancy and His constant faithfulness. 

So this morning, at 39 weeks pregnant, we took pictures of us holding the flowers we are ready to give this new precious gift from God!

Please continue to pray for me and my family, especially this little one growing inside of me!

*Looking back at the first ultrasound picture taken of our baby (on December 11, 2018) and the little figure of St. Joseph I placed next to it - as a way of reminding myself I had entrusted this baby to Jesus through the intercession of his foster father - I thought it was awesome to see he too held a white flower!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Our July in Austria 2019

We love our summer days in Austria!

We arrived back in Gaming on July 2!  On July 3, I had my 36 week (& final) checkup with my OBGYN, who confirmed the baby looked great (after 36 weeks you start going to the hospital and meeting with the midwives/doctors there for your checkups).

By the 4th of July we were somewhat functional (though still a few nights a way from everyone sleeping through the night).  It was our first 4th of July NOT in the USA.  But being among the Kartause community for a celebration with our friends (American, Austrian, British, Slovakian) did NOT disappoint!

Fun relay games...

Playing with stilts...

Eating American blue jello 'salad' (they don't sell jello here)...

That weekend we headed out to Lunz am See for a great afternoon on the lake!

And then it was time to start getting ready for the baby.  Luckily "baby" Isaac is now a big boy-helper!

We've had plenty of 'home masses' (Grandma Kissinger made Isaac's new vestment, which he loooooves!!!)....

Francis taught himself (just like Ellie) how to ride a bike.  Here he is at 4 years & 2 months!

It's amazing that after 2 years on these little strider bikes (Isaac's bike this year) they learn to balance and then can just get on a big bike, with no training wheels, and ride!

Fun times at the Gaming park...

And getting doughnuts and playing at Haubis bread factory...

Going to Zoo Stadt Haag with Brian while mom stayed home (at 39 weeks pregnant) to get ready for baby...

Now we're just waiting for NeNe (my mom) to arrive this Wednesday!
Well and waiting for baby to arrive whenever he or she chooses!! :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Summer in the USA 2019

We had a wonderfully blessed 5 weeks in the USA this summer!

On May 30 we flew from Vienna to Chicago to Cedar Rapids, Iowa!  The kids did exceptionally well on the flights!  With Isaac turning 2 a couple of weeks before the flight, we had no children flying on our laps!  Just one in my belly :)

I was 31 weeks when we flew to Cedar Rapids.  Right before we left I had another ultrasound that should have revealed if we're having a boy or girl (I also had one at 20 and 25 weeks - both times the doctor couldn't tell the sex).  We planned to fill the pinata with pink or blue candy depending upon what the doctor found at 31 weeks.... what he found was that he's not 100% because due to the baby's positioning he couldn't see the full area.  However, he ended up saying he's 90% sure it's a girl!

So PINK candy it was!!

Brian thinks it is a girl but I still think it's a boy!

The kids had a ton of fun with the Super Hero costumes!

And swimming!

Ellie loved watching her cousins perform at their dance recital!

Isaac began to get over his fear of dogs... with this guinea pig-sized new dog of Shannon & Andy!

They all loved going to The Secret Life of Pets 2 (Isaac's first movie, Francis' 2nd, and Ellie's 3rd) with their cousins.

I, meanwhile, enjoyed sitting/resting whenever possible!

And we all LOVED the time with our family!

After about 2 weeks (me at 34 weeks pregnant), we were off to Steubenville, Ohio to visit Brian's side of the family.

We had an awesome gathering for Brian's mom's belated 80th birthday!!  Almost ALL of Maureen & Don's children, grandchildren, great-children were there!!  It is SUCH a blessing to be apart of the Kissinger family!

Brian hosted one of the Steubenville Youth Conferences on Main Campus.  Unfortunately, his 9 nieces & nephews went to the conference the week before so Brian couldn't embarrass them.

Technically Austrian Airlines won't allow you to fly within 28 days of your due date (mine is July 27), but due to Brian hosting the conference we had to wait until July 1 to fly back.  But it all worked out, no one questioned the fact I was a couple days past 36 weeks pregnant on an international flight!

Our last night in Steubenville we even got to have a little 4th of July Celebration :)

We left Pittsburgh airport on July 1, flew to Dulles airport, and were back in Austria on July 2!

We love being back in Gaming (well after we got over the jet lag) but miss all our family & friends in the USA!!  Thank you ALL for a wonderful trip home!