Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mariazell Pilgrimage Spring 2020

It was different this semester - but last week some of the faculty, staff, and families of the Kartause hiked to Mariazell!

Every semester the students and staff hike to Mariazell, one of the most visited shrines in Europe.  (You can see two our previous pilgrimages there in 2015 and 2017).  But with this semester cut short due to the pandemic, many of the students did not get to there.  As the Spring semester came to a close last week (classes had to continue online with our professors here and the students back in the USA), it was suggested that we hike there for the intention of the Fall semester, the future direction and life at the Kartause and for "more God" - in our personal lives, the life and formation of the program, Franciscan University and the world in general.

It was a beautiful day to hike - the day after the Ascension.  We began by praying in the Kartause church (Maria Thron) - we offered our intentions and prayed first day of prayers for Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost.  We started hiking from the nearby Nature Park.  After two hours, Brian drove a van with our kids (Ellie and Francis) and another family and we switched spots - I went home and the rest of the group continued on another 5 hours of hiking to reach Mariazell.  There they prayed in the Basilica in front of the miraculous statue of Mary - wearing masks.  Then they enjoyed ice cream and drove back to the Kartause.  We all gathered for Mass upon their arrival.

It's beautiful to be here.  To pray here.  Strange too.  To be here without the students.  To not know what the future holds.  But I guess that's always really been the case.  

As I stood in the empty church the other day, I thought about all those who had previously prayed here.  Some in even more quiet, uncertain times than we're currently experiencing.  The monks who prayed here in the 1300's.  All the students, faculty, staff and families who have prayed here since Franciscan University's study abroad program began 29 years ago.  And all of those in between, during the centuries that have passed.

Our trust and hope is in the Lord!
Mother Mary, pray for us!  

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