Ellie went back to school last week!
At her school, all of the classes were divided in half - and they alternate every other day going to school. So last week, Ellie went to school on Monday and Wednesday mornings with 9 of her classmates. They wear masks when they enter the school building and in the hallways, but not in their classroom. They used to have two students to a shared desk - but now each student has her/his own desk. They can't sing at school or have gym or swimming class. (Although the outdoor pool is scheduled to open this coming Friday!) The students stay 1 meter apart. In front of the school they have spray painted lines to show the distance they must keep and the children line up out there before entering the school building one at a time. I got to see the new set-up when I dropped Ellie off for her piano lesson, which also resumed last week. I'm no longer allowed to enter the school building and wait outside the classroom door with her. But her teacher comes to the door and gets her, so it all works out!
The other days of the school week, the teacher send home work for "homeschool." Last week, there seemed to be less assigned - perhaps it's because the teacher is assessing how each student is doing and filling in gaps where needed.
Ellie really liked being back at school. She didn't seem to mind any of the new rules. She said she likes going to school, and she likes staying home for school. So win/win, I guess, because that's what we're doing! I actually really liked this set-up. It was great to have a little more time to focus just on the boys while Ellie was away at school for a few hours, but also great to have her back at home most of the time.
The school year here goes until July 3. So in total, Ellie will have 15 days in the school classroom. Hopefully on July 3 we'll be flying to the USA for our annual five week vacation to visit our families!
Pictures from school (before her afternoon piano lesson):
Pictures from "home school":

"Field trip" to the sand volleyball court:

More backyard fun with neighbors:

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