We were blessed to be able to make a pilgrimage to Mariazell Basilica yesterday!
Normally the students go every semester, bringing their own intentions and praying for life. Because the students are not able to be here this semester, we went with the prayer intention that they will be able to come to Austria next semester and other special intentions. It was only my second time going without the students (last semester being the first), but others from our community have been making this pilgrimage many, many times! It was a joy to be able to join them - and for me to do the whole hike!
We started in the Nature Park and walked 17 miles to the Mariazell Basilica! Brian carried Clare in the hiking backpack the whole time. I never heard him complain -- I guess he's in pretty good shape because he ran a marathon by himself last week! I was a bit sore afterwards, but I was happy to go and offer it up for all those I was praying for. We prayed and mediated upon the four mysteries of the Rosary as we went. It was an absolutely gorgeous fall day with so much beauty to take in around us.
Our Lady, pray for us!
After about an hour of hiking, we saw the Otscher mountain - pictured in the background here:

About four hours later, here we are on the other side of the Otscher!

8 hours after we left Gaming, here we are at Mariazell Basilica!!

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