Thursday, October 1, 2020

Hochkar Mountain Hike 🏔

October 1 was the ninth anniversary of our engagement!  Brian and I were able to count our blessings since that "yes" as we looked around at so much beauty a top an Austrian mountain!

About thirty minutes from our home is Hochkar mountain.  We drove up, up, up and then parked and hiked about an hour up to the top where there is a 360 degree look out point.  Although I was a bit nervous crossing the suspension bridge (due to my fear of heights) it was well worth it to enjoy the awesome views!

Brian and I have been so blessed to have been able to enjoy his time not working as much (due to the students not being here this semester) out in nature, with one another.  For a few hours each day it feels like retirement--with a baby in tow :)  

When I said yes to Brian asking me to marry him, I never could have imagined what God had in store for us.  And I still can't imagine what the future holds.  But I'm growing more and more confident that with Him by our side we have nothing to fear!

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