We've had a lot of Saints in the house this November!
For All Saints' Day, we had a nice celebration! Halloween isn't really celebrated here, but the kids like to dress up! So on All Saints' Day a lot of the Kartause kids dressed as a saint. We met at our house and then processed to the church singing "When the Saints Go Marching In"! Isaac went as St. Isaac Jogues (who had part of his fingers gnawed off by those he was trying to serve). And Ellie went as Mary, Queen of Heaven. Francis and Clare just went as themselves; good thing they have saintly names. At the church we had Praise & Worship and Adoration. It was beautiful to see so many saints singing and worshiping our Lord!
A few days later, we had the relics of St. Louis and St. Zelie Martin -- St. Therese of Liseux parents -- stay with us for the afternoon! At first I felt bad having them in the kitchen -- but it was the only place I was sure Clare wouldn't grab them. But I stopped worrying when I realized they are parents, so they must have understood! This advent they've inspired me to try to read A Family of Saints: The Martins of Lisieux.
And here are a few other November pictures from Gaming :)

This is what Isaac wanted to wear to Mass one day:

All You Holy Men and Women, pray for us!!
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