Sunday, September 13, 2020

New School Year in the Pandemic

While no FUS students can study in Gaming this semester, our children went back to school last week!

To monitor COVID-19, the country as a “traffic light” system. A region or school can be green, yellow, orange or red. When school started we were “green,” so everything started normally. But over the weekend we learned on Monday we will be elevated to “yellow” status — so elementary children will have to wear masks (I think everywhere except for in their classroom and outside).  Kindergarten children still do not need to wear masks, although parents entering the school building (which is still permitted, I believe, at this level) do have to wear a mask. I teach the Kindergarteners’ English lessons on Tuesday mornings—so I’ll find out!  It may be the case that in order to sing and move around we’ll have to have the lesson outdoors, which I wouldn’t mind given how lovely the weather is these days. 

So here we go school year... we’ll just see how it all goes!  The kids all look forward to going each day, especially Isaac (no tears from this first-timer), so we’re definitely off to a great start!

Enjoy the kids’ first day of school photos:

Ellie’s first day of Second Grade! 💞📚✏️ She wants to be a mom, homeschooling teacher & farmer when she grows up! 🤱👩‍🏫👩🏼‍🌾 School (at the Volksschule) started back normally, no masks, opening church service at the parish Catholic Church 🎉

Francis’ first day of his final Kindergarten year! 💙🧩🎨 He wants to a policeman, fireman, worker man, professional soccer player, and ninja when he grows up. He doesn’t want to get married. (He also noted that if you get “the corona” and you get married you’ll give it to them because you have to kiss on the lips.) 👮‍♀️👨‍🔧👨‍🚒 Isaac will join him at Kindergarten tomorrow, full immersion German-speaking, 3-6 year old Montessori style; it’s going to be a great year 🎉

Isaac’s first day of Kindergarten! 🧡🖍🚌 He was definitely ready to join his big brother at school & on the bus! He may not be sprechen Deutsch yet, but he loved it!🎉 I asked him what he wants to be when he grows up as we passed a field with cows— so, naturally, he responded that he wants to be a cow 🐮

Clare is 13 months & loves wearing her sister’s clothes, being a chill baby, and taking her first steps when I’m not watching! 💗


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