Monday, September 3, 2018

First Days of Kindergarten

Ellie and Francis started Kindergarten this week!

It's full immersion for the kids, as German is the only language spoken (except for English class once a week).  It is Montessori style (3-6 year old together).  Ellie and Francis are in the same group.  The Kindergarten is located in the town just outside of Gaming, about a five minute bus ride away.  Their school bus ("Lisi Bus" - Ms. Lisi is their very kind driver) picks them up outside our door at 7:20am and drops them off at the Kartause during Mass at 12:30pm.

Ellie began on Monday.  She is a Vorschulkind (pre-school child) this year!  It is her third and final year of Kindergarten.  Schule (school) begins in first grade, hence, the oldest Kindergarteners are "pre-schoolers".  This is the equivalent of Ellie's kindergarten year in the USA!  At this point, she is pretty much fluent in German - at least with the vocabulary she uses while at school.

Francis started on Tuesday.  His very first day of school!  He has helped Ellie get on and off the bus many times before, but today was the first day he got to ride it to school!  He was so excited!  He dressed himself when he woke up, something he was very proud about!  At this point, Francis thinks he speaks German - I'm guessing it will only take a day or two for him to realize he does not.  Yet :)

Ellie was so excited to have her brother join her!  I had no fears with him starting school, as I knew Ellie - and their other Kartause friends - were going to be keeping an eye on him!

The teachers did have everything labeled "Brian" and so our struggle with him going by his middle name continues.  But Ellie said everyone called him Brian Francis or just Francis - said in her best German accent (much like she says her own name with an accent while at school).

At the end of the day, Ellie said she was really proud of how well Francis did on his first day -- we couldn't agree more!  :)

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