Our family made a pilgrimage to Medjugorje last week.
Medjugorje is a small town located in the Herzegovina region of Bosnia-Herzegovina; it is not far from the border of Croatia. It is believed by many that Our Lady has been appearing to certain visionaries in Medjugorje for the past 35 years.
We journeyed there to experience this powerful place of prayer and to grow closer to Our Lord, through the intercession of His Mother. Although we weren't able to experience a 'silent retreat of prayer' traveling with the kids, it was a blessing to make the trip together, one that we hope will bear more fruit in our marriage and family.
For me (Courtney), it was special to be at this Marian site while 20 weeks pregnant, during Advent, and feel closer to Mary as she carried Jesus leading up to His birth. For Brian, it was special for him to return to this place 15 years after he had first visited as a student, this time with the wife and children God has blessed him with.
If you want to read more about apparitions of Medjugorje - the content of Mary's messages, the secrets revealed to the visionaries, and more about the visionaries themselves - I found
this shorter summary and this page entitled
What in the World is Medjugorje? helpful.
Apparition Hill
It's a rocky climb to the top of the Hill of Podbrdo, now known as Apparition Hill, where Our Lady first appeared to the six children in 1981. Ellie rode on Brian's back the first time we went up; she walked the entire way the second time we went up.
Along the way up there are markers for the Joyful Mysteries. Here I am with the "pregnant ladies" at the Second Station: Mary's Visitation to Elizabeth. I'm carrying 20 weeks on front and (a few days short of) 20 months on back. (Don't worry...shortly after this picture was taken, we snapped the head strap on the carrier so Francis' head didn't continue to lay that way as he slept ;)
The Statue of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, is at the top of the hill. It was put there on the 20th anniversary of the apparitions in order to mark the apparition site.
The view from the top of the hill overlooks the town of Medjugorje. On the left, you can see Krizevac "Cross Mountain," which we hiked the next day.
At the base of Apparition Hill is the Blue Cross, where Our Lady appeared to the children when they were hiding from the Communist police. It is here that Mary still appears to the visionary Mirjana at her monthly apparition (every 2nd of the month) and sometimes to the visionary Ivan when he has a meeting with his prayer group.
St. James Church
The Church of St. James is the heart of the Parish in Medjugorje. We visited the church both nights we were in Medjugorje and it was very inspiring to see the interior of the church overflowing with people praying. From 5-8pm (in the winter), confessions are heard, from 5-6pm the Mysteries of the Rosary are prayed, 6-7pm Mass, and 7-8pm is the blessing of religious articles, prayer for healing of body and soul, and either more mysteries of the Rosary, Adoration, or Veneration of the Cross depending on the day of the week.
At the very entrance of the church grounds there is a beautiful statue of Our Lady, the Queen of Peace. It is said the statue presents "Our Lady welcoming all Her children and desiring to take each one of them by the hand and take them to Her Heart, Her Son."
Pictured below is some of the people gathered in line for Confession - this is just on the side for those speaking Croatian (which is the main local language spoken in Medjugorje).
Statue of Our Lady inside of St. James Church.
Krizevac / "Cross Mountain"
Cross Mountain is the highest mountain in the area. In 1933, St. James parish erected a large concrete cross to commemorate the 1900th Anniversary of Jesus' Passion and Death on the Cross. Relics of the True Cross received from Rome are embedded in this cross. As you climb the mountain you pass the markers for the 14 Stations of the Cross (the same style markers they have at Franciscan University in Steubenville) so you can pray the Way of the Cross.
Ellie hiked most of the way up this steep, rocky mountain (takes about an hour up), while Brian carried Francis most of the way. The way back down is much trickier as it's difficult to find your footing among the jagged rocks. Brian ended up carrying both kids down. I carried our unborn baby :)
Mother's Village & St. Francis Grarden
Within the town of Medjugorje there is a beautiful settlement established to serve life. It consists of a few little communities, including "Mother's Village" - an orphanage, St. Francis Garden, the Merciful Father Community, etc. All of these communities provide support to children and adolescents without parental care, and to help lost boys and girls, men and women, to find a good way of life. There is also a workshop where you can pick up souvenirs and all proceeds are used to run the orphanage.
Mary's Meals
One of our favorite charities - Mary's Meals, who's one goal is that every child receives a nutritious daily meal in a place of education - grew as a fruit of one family's trip to Medjugorje in 1983. (They now have a small office in Medjugorje). What started as providing aid relief during the Bosnian War, led to a world-wide movement to end world hunger one child at a time. Currently 1,187,104 children of all faiths are receiving Mary's Meals every school day.
Through their Christmas Donation Program, "One More For Christmas," you can set the table for one more this Christmas and set a child up for a whole school year!
It costs just $19.50 to feed a child for a whole school year. Please consider
Our Lady, the Queen of Peace, pray for us!
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