Sunday, January 30, 2022

A New Semester (Our Last Semester)

It’s hard to believe it’s our last semester here!

We are lucky to have two nephews here this semester!!

We’re looking forward to all the blessings in store for us these last few months here :)

Salzburg/ toy museum:

Back in Gaming:

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Baby Jack’s Baptism 😇🙏🏻🎉

Jack is a Christian!!

His baptism was going to be in Steubenville on January 2. But we had Covid so it was postponed and instead took place here in Gaming at the Maria Thron Chapel on January 16.
It was a beautiful celebration at the Kartause with our community! Our dear friends Eliska and Jozko stood in for Maureen and Bill as godparents. 

The funny part was when they opened the water basin to baptize him only to realize they had forgot to put the water in! So we, with all the Kartause kids gathered around, waited as Sister got the water. 

Afterwards we celebrated with Krapfen- Austrian doughnuts- at the church. (It would have been Dunkin Donuts had we been in Steubenville). And then had cake and pizza at home. 

We’re so blessed to have our little Jack - John Stephen- join us in the Church!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Meeting Our New Home 🏡

Big news: in October 2021 we bought a house in Steubenville!

We were able to see it while in Steubenville over Christmas Break!

It’s definitely a fixer-upper but after checking it out with family, friends and contractors- we’re excited to make it our new home!!

Fr. Shawn came and did a house blessing for us! We feel a lot of peace about making this our new home & neighborhood. Across the street an old school is being a converted to a Marian Seminary. Next to their parking lot is a huge field (with a great sledding hill apparently - there was no snow during our visit).  I love how you can see the Ohio River bend from our house. 

Truth be told, when we first went through the house - in the dark and seriously jet lagged - Ellie and Jack were with us. Ellie was overwhelmed by the “old house” smell and started crying and insisting we leave immediately. We persisted and looked around the house - “wow, there a lot of work to be done” was going through both my and Brian’s mind. But we both had peace and were happy with our decision to move there. 

Toward the end of our visit to Steubenville, we had a lunch date (thanks to Brian’s parents) and went to Lowe’s - the first time as a couple. This whole redoing a house is definitely a new venture for Brian and me. We stopped for sushi afterwards and my fortune cookie announced that our new venture will be a success! I trust the house blessing more than the cookie - but nonetheless it was nice to see :)