Our lockdown, aka stay-at-home & only leave for essential reasons, continues!
On January 17, the Austrian government extended the lockdown until at least February 7. Shops, museums, and service providers might be able to open on February 8. Hotels and restaurants will stay closed until the end of February. Minimum distance to others has increased from 1m to 2m (6.5 ft). And in shops and on public transport, the FFP2 masks will be required beginning January 25.
For our family, it means that Ellie is still being homeschooled. We pick up her assignments for the week from a box in front of the school and the teacher emails the answers each day. Our boys' kindergarten, fortunately, is open. So our boys go each day, which makes homeschooling with Ellie much easier. It takes her about 2-3 hours each day to complete her work. Because she doesn't have to get up early to get to school, she's been staying up late each night in bed doing a ton of reading. She devoured The Imagination Station books in English and is now reading several German-language series including Das Magische Baumhaus (The Magic Tree House). Our region all has "Ski week" break January 30-February 7, so we'll have all the kids home and hope to do even more local skiing!
Clare continues to be sweet and adventurous. She often calls for "mommy" and "dada" - but she's uses those names interchangeably for Brian and me. She loves to go outside. However, she refuses to wear her mittens! So our time outside always ends with her crying and freezing red hands.
With our recent snowfalls, Clare's mode of transportation to Mass is more fun....
Sunday before Mass:
Riding to Mass:
The beautiful Kartause where we get to celebrate Mass:

Isaac catching a ride home with our neighbor:

Our local ski resort remains open! Brian and I were able to ski together one afternoon thanks to our wonderful friends who offered to watch the kids:

Homeschool days... starts with breakfast and then the kitchen table becomes the school desk (which Clare likes to disturb). Around 10am Clare naps while Ellie and I enjoy having some fun playing indoors, watching the Nutcracker and eating popcorn, or playing in the snow:
Our home is the middle townhouse (townhouse 5) in this picture:
More fun out back:
So lockdown continues, but life is good!!