Special Edition: Our 50th Post!
Before we depart for the USA for a month, my aunt (#1 follower!!) asked to see what Gaming actually looks like. So here's a quick walk through town! There are no stoplights in town, so it won't take long :)
The town of Gaming from Kirchstein mountain The main street running through town is on the right side of the picture, with the Kartause at the very top of that road. |
The street we live on - facing the Kartause |
The Kartause
St. Francis Hall - one of the Kartause's dorms |
Sidewalk leading into town from the Kartause |
The field along the path |
Across from the field are little bridges that lead to homes and shops |
The "busy" part of town - market (Spar) on the left - which is apparently huge to what they had 3 years ago when this one opened |
Same spot - left side of the road: Urs (was a bar, now is just a guest house), a bank (there are 3 in town), and Spar (market -- not opened Sundays) |
Same spot - right side of the road: Shoe store / post office. Yes, the post office is a small desk inside the shoe store. |
A little further down the main road: yellow building houses another bank and our doctor's office. Parish Church is across the road. |
Across the road - the sports store |
Also across the road - the pizza / kebab shop. This is our only "fast food" place (you still have to wait for your food to be prepared), but you can find McDonald's or Burger King at gas stations within 30 minutes of us. |
Some homes behind the church. Around the windows you'll often find gorgeous flowers boxes, what you won't find is window screens. Bugs, come on in! |
Flower boxes, no window screens. |
The Pharmacy on the left, Parish Church on the right. (If I had turned around and continued up this street we'd come to the schools). |
Back on the main road - you can see the creek (freezing cold, mountain run off - but crystal clear) that runs through town. You can also see the truck carrying lumber passing by. Lumber is a major industry here and we often seeing these trucks passing by. Although there are no stop lights in town, there are two pedestrian walkways with lights - so I always take those when with the kids.
Walking up the hill from the main road is the swimming pool. Complete with huge water slide, two baby pools, two high jumps, tennis court, mini-golf, sand volleyball -- this is definitely a central hub for everyone in the summertime. |
Just past the pool is a big playground |
Continuing past the park on small side streets and paths we head back to our home |
Path between the park and our home - you pass a huge field on your right and apartments on your left |
There is a barn with 3 horses just past the field - and just a 1 minute walk up the road from our home |
Home! (Our backyard) |
Hope you enjoyed your walk through Gaming! I didn't get any animals - besides the horse - in the pictures, but people do have dogs as pets and cats that tend to run free. Also pet rabbits that live in cages outside. Most of the families I know get fresh milk from the farm one town over (the owner delivers it, or you can fill your own bottle from the big vat and just leave your payment in the basket).
And, finally, to follow up on Brian's comment from his
first (and, so far, only) post, which promises his next post will include the story of his alcohol-related injury that doesn't involve anyone drinking. Well, we've kept you in suspense long enough.... During our first week here, Brian had put some beer in the refrigerator. He put it in the side door, which is broken. So when he opened the door a few hours later, one of the bottles came crashing down on his foot... Shattering the bottle and sending Wieselburger beer flying everywhere. But don't worry, he learned from his mistake, and the only alcohol-related injuries he's suffered since then have all involved drinking ;)